Tuesday, February 25, 2014

My Real Self

This post has been a draft for a long time. I've had it ready, but haven't thought of posting it yet. It's time to share. 

After Carly talked about her real self on her blog due to hateful comments she was getting on her blog/Instagram, so many bloggers and other girls joined in, posting their real selfie. It was a week on Instagram that was full of motivation and self-confidence boosting. One of my friends, Kira posted a blog post about her real self, and my school friend Carly started an Instagram tag, #iambeautifulwoopwoop, encouraging friends from school to post their real self picture - which was so motivational. 

I feel like I have occasionally touched on my insecurities, how much us girls now are comparing ourselves to the girls we see in magazines or on TV. 
There is so much in life to balance, no matter who you are or what your age. I have to balance school, vocal, blogging, extra-curriculars, and friends. It's been a journey, and it isn't always easy. I don't live a perfect life, if this post didn't clearly show that. 
Don't get me wrong - I love putting on makeup, messing with filters on VSCO Cam, and feeling presentable no matter what. But there are those days where makeup isn't an option, it's out of the question, when doing your hair seems like too big of a job. It's also very rewarding to see yourself  "raw" (as Carly said). 

My Name is Sydney Huss. 

My Real Self : 
battles with insecurities
hates her thighs/stomach area
loves coffee
my eyes squinch up when she smiles
has crooked bottom teeth because she lost her retainer
is so tall she must buy the majority of her clothes tall/long
has a weird laugh
can't talk to boys ... especially the one she likes
has discoloration around her mouth
obsesses over organization

Did you participate in #myrealselfie? I want to see! 



  1. Just saw this on tumblr :)

    And it is amazing to just be 'raw' sometimes, it reminds us that we are ALL flawed. I just wrote an article on sweet lemon magazine about what it was like to be photoshoped. Pretty crazy how much we all filter outselves now!

    Great post :)

    AJ | www.TheAJMinute.com

    1. It is an amazing feeling. Please share the article, I'd love to read it!



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