Saturday, February 15, 2014

Chase Your Dreams : #blogeverydayinfeb

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I really had to think about this post, about how I was going to write it. Because my dreams/goals are a big(ish) thing to me. 

I like to have a plan. But at the same time, I also don't want to have the next 10 years of my life figured out. I don't have an age to where I want to be married, have kids, have a job, I don't plan where I want to be when I'm 23. Yes, I look forward to the future and what's in store, but I don't want to have my kids names picked out and my wedding venue planned without knowing where I'll even be when the time comes.

But I have goals. I like certain colleges (Boston College, U Mass U Penn, University of Wisconsin Madison, Johns Hopkins), so I want to try and be accepted to them. I am interested in certain professions (Registered Nursing, Nurse Anesthetist), and I will continue to look at other options. I really want to audition for a school in Greenville and attend it in 11th and 12th grade. I'm shooting for attending next years ACDA National Choir in Salt Lake City, Utah. I think it'd be really fun to get to sing a solo for the Vocal Department before I leave/graduate. 
And all of this is just in the next 4 years.

I don't want to set too big of goals for myself, and then cry when I don't reach them. I need to set goals that I know I can strive for and know that I can accomplish. I've set goals for myself before. Heck, I've accomplished goals that I don't purposefully set for myself, like getting an A on a test, accomplishing all my homework before a certain time.

I need to remember that I have time. (And so do you!) You don't need to accomplish everything in one day. You're given tomorrow for a reason. Yes, we all are disappointed when we don't accomplish a task that we were trying to complete in a day, but sometimes getting that extra day to work on it is better for us. Maybe that second day something clicks in our head, turning that simple task into something you're now very proud of.

And I know that God knows where I'll be, that he will direct me, and  I'll be where I need to be. (Even if I don't understand why.) 

I'm really excited to see what the future has in store, what dreams I will chase, and what goals I'll accomplish. 



  1. This is a really good list. You seem to have your head on your shoulders well and know what you want out of life. My fingers are crossed that you reach all your goals!!! :) And I hope you keep blogging so I can keep up with them!! :)

    Love Always,

    1. Thank you! And I hope that blogging will help me keep up with my goals, also!


  2. This is an excellent list! I wish I was as goal-oriented as you when I was in high school. Don't loose that fire! It'll come in handy in the real world. XD



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