Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Cheers to a New Year

2013. What. A. Year.

Each year, when it comes around New Years, I always like to think that this year has been the toughest yet. But, it also seems like a tougher year than the one before. As I grow older, I like to think that the next year will bring more difficult trials because of the goals I have set in place for myself. What I focus on in 2014 will be majorly different than what I want to focus on in 2016, and I will take it one step at a time.

Time can really change you: starting off in 2013, I was in 8th grade, playing Club Volleyball, and having a great time with my closest friends. In December of 2013, I am a freshman in High School, blogging, and really starting to think about my future in high school, then college. 

The first 6 months of this year were fantastic - 8th grade was by far my favorite year in middle school. Summer was a great break, but also nerve-wracking because of what was in store for me - freshman year. I spent the summer at South Carolina Governor's School, Pennsylvania and New York City, and hanging out at the pool. The last 5 months of 2013, when high school started, I had a rough start to the year. Friends were a struggle, Vocal was a totally different story, and adjusting to the way high school worked all seemed to present their unique challenges.

If I had to pick one month out of the last 5 months that was the most difficult would have to be October. Vocal was insane, with Beauty and the Beast at its peak, spending countless hours at school, trying to manage my studies, figuring out my group of friends, and still trying to find time for myself. It tested my faith, who I can trust, and showed me how much I can handle.

As I reflect on 2013, I am proud of myself and what I accomplished. Sure, I encountered hills (and mountains) along the way, and at times, I did give up - but I came out on the other side. I am so proud of what the result is; A more mature me, ready to face the world and whatever it may throw at me in 2014.

I can't put a set of adjectives to describe this year. So much happened that I can't put a limit of words on it. This post is the only amount that I can share verbally. Emotionally and personally, I feel joy and peace that this year is done with, yet I know that another year is coming, and I know that I am ready.

Throughout the next few days, I am hoping to share my year in pictures, and also my New  Year's Resolutions! 
I really like what Carly did last year, as she broke her resolutions up into 
months to help her focus on one aspect of her life - definitely an inspiration!

“Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.” 

What most excites you about the New Year? 

Love, Sydney


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