Monday, March 31, 2014

Reflection : New Years Resolution #3

New Year, new direction :: 4 steps to make 2014 your best year yet

{Read my NYR: March Post!}

Today's post is short and sweet. This week, there will be 2 posts coming each and every day, so be pumped for what's to come! 

In all honesty, working toward feeling more motivated and giving 110% at school kinda failed. March, for some reason, was a crazy month, with something every weekend for Vocal and Spring Break just around the corner. Last week, 3rd Quarter ended, so teachers (naturally) piled everything on us those last 4 days before grades were due. I procrastinate way too much, which I've really realized this past month. It's time to get to work and finish the year off strong, so hopefully my procrastination will slowly diminish. 

I wanted to do better in Algebra 2, and that didn't happen either. I did do really well on my Chapter test (90!), but I ended the quarter with a B, which was not what I was hoping for. BUT, since we are nearing the end of the year, which I cannot believe, I hope that this quarter I will reach that goal and get an A in math. 

Come back tomorrow to see what I'm focusing on for April! 


1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the B! Some people cant even get that! ;) I know its nto what you wanted but hey, its better than the C! My mom always told me to shoot for A and fall back on the B! :)

    Love Always,


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