Wednesday, March 5, 2014

March : School

I'm actually really pumped for this month's New Years Resolution. School has been getting rougher, and motivation is an absolute must. We're past the halfway makr through the 3rd quarter already and I can't even begin to explain ... I'm almost done with my Freshman Year. It's so surreal! It feels like just yesterday I was just starting 9th grade. (I'm writing this with disbelief. Can you tell?) It's been such a journey and I've learned so much about myself. I obviously have to do a post at the end of the year with all the memories. (Oh my gosh. Still in disbelief.) I want to start summing it all up but it isn't over yet! maybe that' s a good thing. still time to work on my #canttalktomycrush issues. 

If it hasn't been made clear yet, this month I'm focusing on school and staying focused, giving 110%, and making sure those good grades keep coming. My class that is causing me the biggest amount of trouble has to be Algebra 2, so that is where the most motivation is needed. 


Participating 110%

Staying Focused and Motivated

Grades - Keep Them Up!

Similar to last month, I have a bible verse to focus on and keep in the back of my mind. Also, this month includes Lent, so I'm hoping I will grow in multiple ways, as a student and as a Daughter of God! 



  1. Love that verse. Right now I know its hard to stay motivated, but you can do it! Youre gonna come through Freshman year with FLYING colors! :) I might have to focus on school with you this month!!! haha

    Love Always,

  2. I tagged you in a tag that will go live tomorrow! (I am on vacation!) So check it out! :)

    Love Always,


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