Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Best 2 Weeks of My Summer - SCGSAH

Long time, no talk ladies! After scheduling multiple posts for my time at camp, I needed two days off before I jumped right back into the swing of things - and it’s been so relaxing.
I wish I could have updated you more as I was away at camp, but with such a busy schedule that had me busy (almost) 24/7, I really didn’t get the chance to sit down and write out a blog post.
If you haven’t been following A Thousand Tomorrows for long, (welcome!) or need a brief intro, here’s a little overview as to where I was the past 2 weeks -
In Greenville, SC, there’s the most magical school on the planet - AKA the South Carolina Governor’s School for Arts and Humanities (SCGSAH). Throughout the standard school year, SCGSAH is a residential high school for close to 230 juniors and seniors combined. These students apply in February of their Sophomore year (sometimes Junior year, applying for a “first year senior” position) to attend for the final two years of high school. The school is very similar to the one I attend now because of the perspective major you apply into - and there’s 8! (Creative Writing, Dance, Strings, Band, Piano, Visual Arts, and Theater). In order to hopefully attract prospective students and give them a look into pre-professional life, SCGSAH allows opportunities for 3 groups of students - a 2 week program for Rising Freshman (Discovery), a 2 week program for Rising Sophomores (Academy), and a 5 week program for Dancers (age varies!).

I had the pleasure of attending both Discovery and Academy, and it has honestly changed my life for the better - there’s no doubt about that! I’ve been able to really experience solo singing for the first time (last summer I sang my first classical solo ever), learn more about my field of music by taking part in classes such as Music Theory, Music History/Appreciation, Performance Seminar, and by singing in small ensembles and large choirs, taking private lessons, and singing on stage as part of Master Class. I’ve had the opportunity to be taught by some of the best teachers in the state, some of which have PhD’s in their respective field. I’ve meet friends that I’ll know for a lifetime, and have really stirred up a passion and love for solo singing.

I’ll never forget stepping onto the SCGSAH campus in June of 2013 and telling my mom that first day that I wouldn’t ever even think about attending the school as a residential student. That changed the next day. During a call to my mom, I told her that this was where I wanted to be and exactly how I wanted to spend my Junior and Senior years in high school. There was (and still is) no doubt in my mind.

Being able to immerse myself and really branch out and be my own singer was something I never get the opportunity to do at my home school. (Which many people are surprised by, especially the private teachers I’ve come across at Governor’s School.) At School of the Arts (SOA) here in Charleston, you have an opportunity that not many high schools have in the state - you spend 90 minutes each day in your respected art area. It really is a great opportunity, but I’ve found throughout the past few years, that it’s slowly becoming more of a burden. I don’t get the chance to sing solos, as they go to upperclassmen first; the attention to a single person is little to none, as in choral singing, you have to address a certain voice part; the amount of time I’ve spent preparing for concerts I don’t have the drive to participate in is way too much time. Overall, SCGSAH is my dream and this year it will be my main focus. It definitely would be so hard to leave everything here in Charleston behind, but I’d be gaining so much and learning more than I ever could, and that means so much to me.

Back to the main topic, there’s really no other place I’d rather spend my high school years at other than SCGSAH. The campus is beautiful. It’s modeled after a Tuscan Village (you can say stunning), the food is (surprisingly) good (but it won’t ever beat a meal from my mom’s kitchen!), the facilities are exactly what students need, and the library is absolutely insane - they have everything any type of artist no matter what your major is would ever need!
After getting to spend 4 weeks (combined) there over the past 2 summers, I’ve been able to realize that the campus and everything about it really suits me, as I’m a very independent worker. I’ve been able to experience what it’s like to live away from home! I’ve met with lots of the music faculty and have been able to see how I interact with them and make connections that will (hopefully) help come audition time. I’ve shows many of these faculty members how I participate in a class/group setting, as well as how I perform on stage in a solo setting after 2 weeks of work and progress.  

Performance Night!

One of the greatest things that I was able to do (and I’ve mentioned this in the last paragraph) was that I got to meet and connect with lots of the faculty and Residential Life Counselors (RLC, they’re adults who live in the dorms and act as a backbone to the entire program). One of the RLC’s, Kristen, was actually a graduate of Voice from SCGSAH, and now attends Furman University on a full ride (and gets some money in her pocket, too!). She was able to answer some of me and Margaret’s (one of my very close friends) burning questions all about the program. I’ll never forget her comments after I performed and how much they meant to me. The comments she made is part of my inspiration, drive, and motivation. Also, I was able to talk with Dr. Rhyne, who is the Vocal Ensemble teacher throughout the school year, and he was able to answer some of me and Margaret, Leah, and Skylar’s (more friends!) questions. He was also our Theory teacher, which was definitely an advantage for us - he got to see us in a class setting, interacting with others and responding to his direction. And lastly, our Music History teacher, Dr. Hamilton (he is BAE!) is the head of the music department for the residential high school.

Throughout these 2 weeks, I’ve learned new techniques, new things about music history, lots about music composition/theory, and I’ve made more friendships. Leaving campus this past Saturday, it was so hard to accept that that may be that last time I’m ever on the campus of SCGSAH. But I’m so ready to work hard this year and not allow it to be my last time on campus. I'm so excited to work more on my choral singing as well as my solo singing, and add more music to my repertoire and add more knowledge to my bank of vocal knowledge!

My best friend, Margaret - we've already begun planning for our time there together! #whoops

With all of this being said, my sophomore year is full of big goals, a lot of work, and one big audition, and I’m ready to tackle it all.



  1. Sounds like you had a blast!

  2. Your blog is great and this post looks like you had fun!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you! I'll definitely be visiting your blog soon!


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    1. Thank you for your sweet comments! I'll be checking your blog out in the near future.


  5. Wow it looks like you had an amazing time! :)

    1. It was truly an amazing experience and I am so glad I had this opportunity!



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