Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Sailing Into A New School Year, Part #7: Study Skills

Going back to school means studying.
Which leads to stress.

Pinterest has led me to find so many ways to study and stay organized throughout the school year.
(Post on organization to come in the future!)

Comfortable Clothing: When studying or doing homework, I find it most important to be comfortable. (Avoid pajamas - these will make you want to get into bed and fall asleep) Pull on some Nike shorts and a t-shirt and get to work.

Materials: Get all of your materials together! Textbooks, notes, binders, and notebooks.

Drink Water!: Get a water bottle and stay hydrated. 

Healthy Snack: Grab a healthy snack that will keep you alert and focused. 

Study Area: Find a place in your house that you study best. 

Breaks and Space it Out: Take time to relax and take a break from studying for 10 or 15 minutes. Read a magazine or book when you need a break, or check social media. 
Also - make a routine for your day.

Agenda: Write down your homework and test dates, and plan out you week and month. Stay on top of your events - this causes less stress! 

Make deadlines - Project due?  Make yourself deadlines.  Test in a week? Make deadlines. This will help you avoid cramming the night before. 

Highlighters, Flashcards, Post Its, and Pens: Highlight important info (or color code items!) Make flashcards, place post its in places you need to go back and focus on, and have pens to color code also (and take fun colored notes!)

To Do List: Make a to do list when you wake up every morning - have two or three must do's of the day, but also have a few items that are little tasks. 

In the first few weeks of school, figure out how you study best. 

Come up with a routine for your mornings and evenings. 

Find the best way to organize your school materials.

Pay attention in class and take notes! This will help you get the most out of your class. 

More to come on organization and study tips in the future!

Love, Sydney

Social Media: Twitter  Instagram  Pinterest  Goodreads

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