Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sailing into a New School Year: #3: Apps for Your Tech Device

We are in an age where tech devices are key to success - These devices are quite useful, and they hold great apps that help us to succeed. 

On my iPad mini, I have created a folder seperate, just for education. 

There are so many apps for Education and Productivity, but these are just a few of my favorites that  I cannot wait to use this year. 

Print Central || This app is great! If your printer is wireless, Print Central will find that printer and "hook" your device up with it, allowing you to print anything and everything from your device to your home printer.

Google Drive || I started using Google Drive this past spring and it is helpful. You can download documents and presentations to the app to view anytime.
*Available for Computers, must have a Google Account*

30/30 || I cannot wait to start using this app. If you have a night where you have a lot of studying to do, this app will help you to split the time up so that you have time to study, but also a few minutes to relax. 

Grades 2 || This app tracks your grades and GPA after adding in the Syllabus for the class. Set a goal for what grade you want, and work hard to reach that goal. 
Only Downfall? You don't specify if the class is CP, Honors, or AP, so it doesn't weigh the class like it will on your report card. 

Spark Notes || Spark Notes is great! It has almost every book of literature accessable, allowing you to read Synopsis' of the book, chapters, read biographies about the characters, and learn the themes. 
*This is a website and an app, so it can be used on the computer*

Khan Academy || My dad introduced me to Khan Academy and it is amazing. There are hundreds of videos on all subjects that teach you about different topics. (I have found this site most helpful for math, but they do have videos on almost everything). 
*This is a website and an app, so it can be used on the computer*

Quizlet || Quizlet really came in handy for me last year. You can create your own flashcards, or search for the flashcards you need. Most likely, the flashcards have already been made by someone else, and they are open to the public. How perfect?
A friend of mine made a 500 card set for the French Final. So useful!
*This is a website and an app, so it can be used on the computer*

Meriam-Webster || Dictionary and Thesaurus; it can be used with no internet connection! 
*This is a website and an app, so it can be used on the computer*

Drop Box || Download and store all your important documents and pictures in one place, and then access them whenever needed!
*This is a website and an app, so it can be used on the computer*

Pages || I do not currently own this app, but I am thinking about making the investment and purchasing it. It is an Apple App, and can be used to write documents, produce PowerPoints, and lots of other things. 
If you have this app, please let me know if it is worth the price!

And the best part? These are all free.
Except for Pages. Oops!

There are so, so many different apps and websites for Education. 

If you are interested in seeing other apps for your device, check out my School Board on Pinterest!
I have pinned lots of things having to do with apps, study skills, and preppy school supplies.
When on Pinterest, a lot of the pins will say, "for College Students", but I have found that a lot of the apps can be helpful to middle and high schoolers also - don't be afraid to try them out!

Stay tuned - Cathie has a great post planned for Wednesday on A Southern Life

What is your favorite School App? 

Love, Sydney 

Social Media: Twitter  Instagram  Pinterest  Goodreads

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