Anna asked me to be a contributor for her sister's inspiring blog, A Real Girl, and I couldn't pass up the offer! make sure to go and show the post some love, and don't forget to bookmark the blog!
hello sweet, intelligent, brave girls!
my name is Sydney and I am the blogger behind Sydney Huss. my blog has a focus on inspiration, lifestyle, faith, and also just a place for myself to release stress and just write. as for myself, I’m a rising high school junior with a passion for singing, reading, and just being with my close friends and family. this fall I am starting my first year at a residential high school about three hours away from my beautiful home in Charleston, SC. I am thoroughly looking forward to this opportunity, and hope you’ll follow me on this journey through my blog!
growing up as girls in the 21st century, we are constantly and primarily pressured by media sources and other girls to become a better version of ourselves; whether that is by wearing more makeup, buying shorter and more provocative clothing to become “more appealing” to boys, or just by lowering our personal standards for ourselves. we are pressured to be a certain size and a certain weight while also keeping our lives together and our grades perfect and have our future entirely planned out … when in reality, can any of us really do that? do we have that power?in no way are we able to do that.
can you realistically imagine life without peer-pressure and without media sources telling you how to shape your life? in this day in age, the majority of us find ourselves on platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and Facebook quite frequently. how many times have you scrolled through whichever feed and wished that your hair looked like that girls, or you wished you had that girls grades, or that girls body, or her height, or have the ability to go on the amazing European vacation she just went on with her family? (those envious wishes are endless!) I know I’ve been there. I can hardly go a day without feeling jealous or having the #FOMO (fear of missing out).
this past spring, I decided to give up all forms of social media for Lent. (Lent is a season in the Christian calendar leading up to Easter, in which you give up something, or take something on, in hopes of drawing nearer to Christ and strengthening that relationship.) I deleted all those platforms that I would frequently click into when I didn’t want to do homework, when I was bored, right before bed (or right when I woke up!) and decided to put my energy and time into something more meaningful. for me, it was focusing on a bible study with my best friend, Claire, and also putting more energy into my schoolwork and grades as Lenten Season happened to fall at a very busy and stressful time school wise. and after those 40 days, as much as I missed being able to scroll through Instagram, I didn’t miss the pressure I felt from my time spent there.
I encourage you to spend 24 hours, a weekend, a week, whatever period of time you feel comfortable with, away from social media. get outdoors, put your energy into what you love. I can almost promise you that you’ll feel more motivated to be a true representation of yourself and who your creator intended for you to be.
be the best version of yourself.
in Christ,