Friday, February 7, 2014

Gaining Strength and Courage : #blogeverydayinfeb

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So far, I've really enjoyed the daily prompts from #blogeverydayinfeb. It's definitely helping my writer's block, and it is also helping me in order to post more and (hopefully) better posts, because I'm concentrating on one topic.

This post is a PSA: one with encouragement. It may be the weekend, but you may be seeking some inspiration for the next 2 days, maybe you're already in need of some encouraging for the next week, etc. Whatever it may be, let it go.  

These 2 encouragements are ones I found on Pinterest this week. (Man. I talk about Pinterest way too much.) I LOVE blogging about motivation (hence "#MotivationMonday is a weekly thing here on the blog), and I've always seen myself as a good motivator towards my friends and family. 
psalm 46:5
Tomorrow's the day - the big audition - and I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. I know I'll have nerves, but I am a child of the Lord and I will not be moved. 
Do you have any public encouragement today?



  1. so impressed with this "blog every day"! I totally get you with the occasional writers block. I love when I am just walking around or doing something random and an idea for a post comes to me and I write it down as fast as I can. Good luck with your audition!



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