Tuesday, February 18, 2014

3 Words - 1 Style : #blogeverydayinfeb

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My style has greatly changed since 6th grade. My closet was only t-shirts. Mid-seventh grade, I finally started getting into a more "put together" style. Finally, by 8th grade, I "locked in" what I liked and didn't like, bringing me to where I am now. (Go farther back than that, and it has really, really changed.) Looking back, it's hard to believe where I am now to where I was then, but I feel that now I really know what my style is, know what I'm most comfortable, and am slowly (but surely) finding out what looks best on me.

Versatility // Being able to wear an outfit to school but also a fun dinner with my friends makes my wardrobe easy to mess around with. I can wear a certain skirt/blouse combo and know that it will look stunning that night when I'm just hanging out with friends. Being able to wear versatile pieces makes my closet have endless possibilities.

Classic // I hope that the majority of the pieces in my closet will stay in style for the next few years. You can't go wrong with a navy skirt, white button down, J. Crew chino shorts - they're going to be classic, staple pieces no matter what.
I've found that being classy is also a lifestyle, too! 

Comfort // I want to feel comfortable in what I wear; I want to feel like I can conquer the world with the right shirt, feel like I can "ace" a presentation because of my shoes, and feel like whatever I'm wearing, I don't feel like I'm uncomfortable and just waiting to get home and get into some comfortable pjs. (Although, some days, this is just a must).

What 3 words would you use to describe your style?


  1. I really like the your words! :) And the graphics you used for them are beautiful! I think its really hard to nail down three words to describe my style...I thought about it and couldnt think of anything different than the three you came up with... I could maybe say colorful. haha

    Love Always,

  2. I like to think of my style as sassy, Southern, and sophisticated!

    XX, SS || A Little Seersucker Sass

    1. sophisticated is a great word ... didn't even think about that one!


  3. I think my style is preppy, classic, and ever changing.
    Loved the blog!



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